Help To Those In Need: Charity, Volunteer Work, Donations

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

Some times when people think about donating or volunteering, they assume they may have to give up large portions of valuable items or time of themselves.

This notion is simply not at all true.

There are people who do not really want to give away anything but do it because they think God will punish them or look down on them if they do not share with the less fortunate or those in need.

The truth is, we all cannot please or gain points with the Lord on account of good works. He showers us purely through his love, grace, and mercy. However, when we do act purely within accordance to goodwill from our hearts God is delighted and he blesses us even more for our kindness.

Some people put on an air in front of others just to gain approval or praise by helping out the poor, needy, disadvantaged…

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Living For The Lord

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

I always believed in you. Then, I accepted you as my Lord and Savior at the age between ten or twelve.

I went through some hardships that sometimes made me doubt you. I even separated myself from you for a while out of anger, and misunderstanding of your nature. Nonetheless, the essence of your spirit still produced a purity within me.

Through it all, everything turned out okay. You taught me so much. You gave to me so much. You cared for me so much.

Upon my reunion with you, I gave myself completely to you. Never to depart from you, never to go astray. I am not mean to be that way.

I wake up in delight of your presence, I spend the day talking to you, walking in your grace. I retire in the night with you, drifting off to sleep under your guard.

The words I read…

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The Lord’s Hold On Me: I Belong To God

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

I did not ask to come into this world. I did not have any say so within the matter. All I can do is trust in the Lord and what he has planned.

He intended my purpose before I was created, he will fulfill his aim to when I become designated.

My life is not my own It belongs to God. He chose me as one of his very own long before the foundation of the world.

The Lord already knew all about me, he designed me.

What I had to go through to where I am at now was determined before I could understand how the application of my exploration would give me a better understanding of my true dedication.

A chance to get to know God better, a chance to realize how blessed I have been, a chance to appreciate the providence and protection that has constantly been…

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Providence: My Great Protector

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

I noticed since early childhood the favor over my mother and I, and the manner in which God took great care of my family.

The Lord watched over us solicitously, his eyes vigilant to never waver, his hands fixed firmly on every situation. Even when I did not think or believe he was looking out or holding our circumstances in place.

We mattered to God. And, we still do.

I have been so very fortunate by his mercy and grace, covered by what seemed like an extra hedge of protection from others and the principalities of this evil world, and beyond.

When I look back, I see all that I avoided and escaped because of the wisdom and discernment granted upon me from the Lord. The comfort and peace I experienced in the midst of trials that made people of the world marvel at me in disappointment and wonder.


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An Answer From The Lord: My Morning Start

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

Early this morning, I had a delicious bowl of hot steel cut oats. I mixed and stirred in along some extra thick rolled oats to my liking. Later on, I ate two bananas, five tangerines, and some crackers.

My day started off lovely, God soothed a sudden concern that once occupied my thoughts just to come back again.

I reached out to someone in the Christian faith as I always search out God for serious inquiry. “Seek and you will find”, says the Lord. And, surely God did answer me.

He did so rather quickly too.

We all know God intercedes within his own time but he also comes at anytime, especially when our hearts are gravely troubled. The Lord is very kind and gracious, so compassionate within his response.

I was put into contact with a nice and well-informed pastor who exchanged words of truth and clarity to…

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The Pastor At The Church I Attended A Few Times

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

Last night, the pastor of the church I attended since September came into my mind. I thought about the settling that remained within my spirit after heeding the warning about him.

I still felt that stillness. It wasn’t until I watched two of his latest sermons online that my spirit became rattled once again.

Just by watching and listening to him those feelings came back. Those enlightening inclinations about him. Those same vibes of caution, but now even stronger.

The words he preached even gave details and glimpses into the true reveal of his disposition.

I think confronting him on the issue that I had with him brought out the truth of his conscious as he admitted his guilt on a few things in front of the congregation.

I noticed it because I knew what was partly behind his address.

He confessed how he struggled with being completely honest within…

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Purity Of Spirit

Daily Living, By Miss LaToya

All of us are different we all have our own needs, preferences, and desires. I have never been into sex and do not have any lustful urges or attraction for men or women.

I am not and never have been a lesbian nor have I ever been in a heterosexual love relationship. I just do not have any of those type of feelings, and pleasantly so.

Yes, God created sexual intercourse and intimacy between a man and a woman and there is nothing wrong with these emotions being expressed in its proper context as the Lord intended.

However, there is no commandment or sin in not wanting to engage within a romantic relationship.

I never had a need or yearning for a boyfriend or a marriage partner.

I did not care what direction the world was headed into because I was never a follower of the popular culture.

I was…

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Feeling Of Fear

But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. -Psalms 56:3

A little while back, I was feeling a wave of fear and I told a woman who use to be a neighbor of mine.

In response, she told me to pray and ask about it. Then, wait for an answer.

So, I did. I prayed to the Lord that night, expressing my concern and any possible reason in particular for why I was experiencing this stream of fear.

When I awoke the next morning, I had initially forgot about the prayer and reply I had requested. Once I remembered, an answer had actually come into my mind. A voice spoke to me in my thoughts and said, “Have a little bit more faith in God”.

There it was. Plain and simple for my specific situation.

All of us are different, all going through our various seasons of life. While we experience these shifts in motion and change, we may also encounter a touch of fear or uncertainty. It is understandable, especially not knowing where our season may be weathering to, but the most important thing for us to know is that God is the one controlling the environment.

He orders the summer, the fall, the winter, and the spring. He’ll keep us warm when it’s cold. And he’ll keep us comfortable when things get too hot for us to handle.

God is there, even when he seems far away. He just wants us to have the faith to trust him when we can’t see past the fog.

Let God be the eyes we view our circumstances with as he already knows what’s upon and ahead, he will lead us through.

For we live by believing and not by seeing. -2 Corinthians 5:7

Ministering Angels

Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation. -Hebrews 1:14

One night before bed, fifteen years ago, I lit a candle on the floor beside my bed.

I had never lit a candle on the floor beside my bed before. Normally, if I lit one, I would put the glass encased candle upon the dresser or bureau, a safer place. I don’t know what I was thinking at the time. And this wasn’t a glass encased candle. It was a small white votive candle.

Anyhow, during the night I was sleeping very sound and comfortably when a divine touch awakened me, raised up my head and turned me around to see my blanket and sheet on fire just in time.

The grasp that was held onto me was gentle yet alerting, I’ll never forget the incident.

For the angel of the LORD is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him. –Psalms 34:7

God’s mighty and powerful hand has been on me for all of my life and it is a shame how I couldn’t see how much he loved me back then. Going through things and the trials in life can alter our view of God especially when trauma is involved.

Satan plays his part too by lying to us, trying to manipulate us to think and believe God is against us.

Nevertheless, God has supernaturally intervened on my behalf a number of times in my life and it has built a strong faith and shaped me.

Daniel answered, “Long live the king! My God sent his angel to shut the lionsmouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.” -Daniel 6:21-22

His Spoken Word

Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. 1 Peter 4:11

Sometimes God will speak directly to us through certain people to communicate to us exactly what he may want us to know.

He may have an encouraging word to share, a message of hope.

He may also take it upon himself to bring a little clarity and comfort to a situation one may have been struggling with.

The Lord goes these extra steps to show us just how much he loves us and to express his total concern for our well-being.

We will recognize when our Lord is corresponding with us by knowing his voice even if it is spoken by a human tongue.

A feeling of ease, peace, or contentment will settle around our presence, and upon the circumstance that has troubled or affected one. This is what happened to me someone else’s experience may be different.

In addition, the Lord stayed up with me all night (not that he ever sleeps) keeping me company and helping me to write as he worked his power through me to utilize my talents for his glory.

I am so impressed by God. My literature just flowed out effortlessly; I wasn’t even expecting it because earlier in the day I had wanted to write but did not feel up to it. I was feeling kind of down about something, but he just came and lifted up my spirits and kept me in place- holding me nearby. The Lord even had gotten me excited in the process.

And when I read his word in certain parts of scripture, I just love the way he talks and how he tells it like it is with such feeling and vigor.

God is something else! But most of all he is my confidant- my everything!

To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit gives the gift of healing. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern whether a message is from the Spirit of God or from another spirit. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret what is being said. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10

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